Tuesday, November 18, 2008

At the risk of being repetitive...

...OUCH. Still.

When will it not hurt to stand, sit, walk, flush (I have a public restroom phobia and must flush with a foot)??


Anonymous said...

Hey! I'm glad you came by ;) I'm SOoooo proud of you for all that you've accomplished over the last several weeks! Wow, 13 miles that's GREAT!!
I hope too that you're photography takes off, that would be amazing!
I'm envious that you have other women to run with but I'm glad you have that motivation for you.
My running is still moving along but no where near where you are! I think I've decided to quit beating myself up about any given running issue and just keep get out there! :)

Joan said...

Good to hear from you again. Congratulations! I have public bathroom problems, too. If I go in one right after I eat, I tend to start gagging even if it is very clean. My mind, nose, and eyes go into overdrive then I get on the verge of throwing up. Weird.