Friday, February 8, 2008

Mind over body

Yesterday's run was hard.

It was the very same run as the day before, but for some reason I was dragging. I had to REALLY push myself. I wanted to stop and walk several times. The problem with that was that I was in a bit of a rush, needing to get home and get showered and ready for a 7 p.m. meeting.

But I made it. Again. And to make up for my shitty time I sprinted the last leg (my street), which I now know was a mere .1122 miles, according to gmap-pedometer. Damn! I thought it was a bit longer. Sigh.

I seem to have those days about once a week. I don't know why. I wish I did. I hate feeling weak.

I need to be strong. Always. Tough-as-nails. Nothing breaks me. I am [strong] woman. See me survive.

Ahhh, but these baby steps are getting me there. Closer to my goal. I'm slowly letting go of the old, the bad and the ugly. Pfffffffffffffftttttttt

Yes, I'm going to be fine - just fine.

I used to ride with a vending machine repairman.
He said he’s been down this road
more than twice.
He was high on intellectualism.
I’ve never been there,
but the brochure looks nice.
Jump in, let’s go.
Lay back, enjoy the show.
Everybody gets high,
everybody gets low.
These are the days when anything goes.
Every day is a winding road.
I get a little bit closer.....
Every day is a faded sign.
I get a little bit closer
to feelin’ fine.....

Everyday Is A Winding Road - Sheryl Crow


Anonymous said...

I remember those days too! It always felt good to keep going then realize that somewhere along the way my second wind kicked in and to know that I CAN finish the run! :)

Ummm not sure if we want another pet. They're expensive and a lot of work...but a dog would be nice to go running with. And I guess I am a pet person because I miss having one! I grew up with cats but seem to be more allergic the older I get :(


Isn't it baby steps toward everything? We should all be reminded of that every now and then.

Thanks for commenting on my blog. I've found some of the best blogs just goofing around, surfing and blogging when I should be working :) I would probably fall into the category of co-workers with annoying habits.

Keep on with the baby steps...

I never really paid much attention to that particular Sheryl Crow song and I love Sheryl Crow. I've been singing the wrong lyrics all along.

GetBackJoJo said...

I love the title of your blog. It's a good daily reminder.
You need the bad runs in order to appreciate the good ones. That's what I always tell myself!