Saturday, January 19, 2008


As it turns out, snowboards make great sleds! Leave it to a couple of ingenious kids to figure that one out....

We ended up with 1.5 - 2 inches of snow today! Unheard of in Atlanta, especially given that we had a bit of snow a few days ago. Very exciting stuff.

As my husband and I hurried through our neighborhood Kroger to grab a few things before we got "snowed in" (not likely even as it looked like a blizzard, but you never know, and I prefer to live as the boyscouts suggest: "Be Prepared"), I so wished I had grabbed my camera. It was quite comical the way everyone was whizzing by grabbing everything they could get their hands on. I had to supress laughter more than a few times at the crazed and worried faces I passed. The store was quickly selling out of meats, some canned goods, paper goods, etc. It was such a bizarre scene!

*To you who have mentioned similar memories and pains of childhood, and of life now - thank you thank you! I have found blogging to be such a release from the painful past and such a great outlet for so much - pain, laughter, wonder, thoughtfullness, and comfort. It's both wonderful and sad to me that this anonymous and somewhat removed voice has found others...others I will likely never meet, though would most certainly have an instant bond with in person. I think of you during my day and always look forward to reading your words.*


Anonymous said...

It looks like the kids had a great time in the snow!
Living on a mountain myself, I'm frankly a little tired of the snow. I haven't seen our grass for weeks now & the sun makes rare, short appearances LOL :)
That is one big dog (and I love your bathroom!!!!) What I wouldn't give for tile again *sigh*
Hope you don't actually get snowed in! ;)

Anonymous said...

HA! Sesms like I can't come here without leaving two comments. No matter how long I sit with the first, I always have just one more thing to say...
Thank you for your last entry. It really truly motivated me to get out and RUN! I did it this morning - not outside (BRRR) but on the treadmill. My legs are blissfully achy tonight and I can't wait to get back on again!

GetBackJoJo said...

The scene of everyone running about getting canned goods is hysterical! Here in Boston we don't start to freak until after we have a foot of snow on the ground and it doesn't look like we're going to make it to the store at all. Actually, even then we don't freak out!